
How to hold the best online meetings for employees and clients

Coffee dates, business lunches, and dinners are some of the ways to build relationships with employees and clients. The out-of-office experience creates a setting to impress or bond. But as companies take their work meetings online, let’s find out the ways to make your Zoom or Skype meetings as appealing as possible.

Get the basics right For the sales and marketing teams, meeting clients can be an occasion to dress to impress. But now, more people are loosening up their ties and going make-up free. As the meeting host, you can set the mood and inform your client or employee on the type of meeting you wish to conduct and the details such as time and agenda. This way, nobody will feel underprepared or uncomfortable.

Eat the same food As the saying goes – a family that eats together, stays together. According to Mike Slack, the vice-president of AVIO Consulting, suggests that ordering the same food or cuisine helps create a familiar atmosphere just like you would in a regular business meet-up.

Send care packages in advance Meal etiquettes should not be forgotten while we work from home and take our meet-ups online. If you initiated a coffee date, why not send over some flavours for your client to enjoy? Sending a food delivery can be similar to picking up the tab.

Add a thoughtful touch COVID-19 may have been a tougher time for some. If you are familiar with your client’s background, you can add in some personal touches or additional gifts to make his day better. It can be a personal message, customised gift, flowers or exotic treats or flavours. By adding an element of surprise, it can delight the receiver and leave a memorable impression.

Create new experiences Though online meetings have limitations, it does not have to be boring. Other than meals, you can host fun experiences for employees and clients to bond. You can partner up with vendors to provide cooking or arts and craft sessions, or movie events for all to enjoy.



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