
Quick ways to create a happier and more productive workspace

Toxic behaviour from employee to management can lead to an unsafe work environment and set a negative company culture.

This behaviour can affect a company in many ways, such as hindering work improvements or creative thinking and reinforcing inefficient work processes and standards.

According to Scott Mautz, a business consultant and writer, toxic work culture can be easily overturned quickly with the following tips to create a positive environment for the company to thrive.

Remove Command and Controlculture 

An army has no doubt high precision on achieving its goals. But, what works for an army might not work well for a corporate environment.

If your company has a “Command and Control” type of culture where leaders dictate and micromanage employees – it is best to relook their management styles and cultivate one that is respected and drive productivity.

When leaders place their trust in the staff, employees can feel empowered to work harder on the responsibilities that they have been tasked with.

Identify low performers 

When an employee is not pulling his weight, it can lead to grievances and distrust within the team. Other team members might feel they are given more work or that the employee is slacking. 

To curb these negative thoughts, which can lead to a toxic workplace, managers can identify the low performers and find out how they can fix and improve their productivity. 

By addressing these issues within the team, managers can create a spirit of accountability and ensure that each member is a positive contributor. 

Appreciate and acknowledge

When employees feel under-appreciated or undervalued, they may get unpleasant emotions when other staff get praised or promoted. 

By having clear guidelines and policies, it can clear up sentiments of favouritism or discourage negative behaviour to get ahead.

Also, if managers take an interest in employees, they can be more aware of their hard work and develop their skills to reach their career goals.

By investing in them, employees can feel valued and remove the misconception that the company does not notice their efforts. 

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