Tips on creating the best social media page
Social media is a great and easy way to promote your brand and achieve your objectives.
But before we start crafting out a page, let’s look at the ways to make it a successful one.
What is your objective?
Starting with a clear objective will guide the framework of your social media page.
Be it LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram – each social media platform serves a different purpose.
Sit down with your team and discuss which platforms your company will have a presence in. Is your goal to build brand awareness, increase followers, set up a sales platform, or everything mentioned?
After firming up your objective, you will be able to set up indicators to measure your performance and set about creating a personality and content.
How to optimize your platform?
Other than looking good, your page has to attract followers in various ways.
You can pay for sponsored posts through advertisement or shoutouts from thought leaders, or garner organic visitors through optimizing your page through SEO (search engine optimization).
There are many ways to do so such as creating a personalised hashtag, using commonly searched terms or keywords, having fun and interesting content, and getting popular sites to give you backlinks.
Having different sources of traffic can help grow your followers over time.
How to engage your audience?
Your social media platform is a voice for you to showcase your products and brand personality. It allows you to engage with your audience through conversations, contests, polls, and ways to garner customer feedback for valuable insights into their behavior and trends.
If you are unsure of how to do so, follow the brands that are similar to yours and personalise your narrative and make sure your posts are aligned with your company goals.
Also, various influencers have mentioned that sharing recognition and showing gratitude are ways to win your audience.
Being genuine and humble are ways to promote your brand in a softer way. You can do so by introducing your employees and sharing their stories.
For example, if your brand is a health supplement brand, you may wish to share real stories of people who have used your products with honest reviews. When people can relate, they feel a stronger connection to the product and company.
Lastly, responding to your customers especially to complaints is a great way to build brand loyalty.
If a customer is dissatisfied, you can reach out to him promptly and address his needs and situation. Offer up advice to rectify the situation and offer up follow-up action.
A customer will appreciate it when the company makes an extra effort to attend to their needs.
Social media has many benefits but before you start creating one, think if you have the time and resources to maintain one. A dead platform is not a good way to promote your business.