
Small changes to boost your worklife for 2020.

Before you start jotting down plans to hit the gym or eat healthier, why not incorporate some simple habits to rejuvenate your energy to do well at work.

As the new year hits, you may be already thinking up and crafting out your new year resolutions for a better you in 2020.

Office life is undeniably long, especially when we spend at least eight hours at work. To seek work-life balance, many people usually target elevating their physical health instead of their mental state.

But before you start jotting down plans to hit the gym or eat healthier, why not incorporate some simple habits from Thrive magazine to rejuvenate your energy to do well at work.

Develop a consistent morning routine

How you start your day can influence or affect the rest of the day – so why not start it right by developing a consistent morning routine. To do so, you can begin by prioritizing and planning out what you need to do. By having a standard template, it allows you to be flexible in case something pops up.

When you have a good one, it can help you better manage your time, reduce anxiety, allow you to slot in a dose of breakfast, meditation, or exercise, and feel more energized for the rest of the day.

With less confusion in the mornings, your body clock and routine will flow out better and give you better peace of mind.

Add in more rest time

There have been many reports that working adults in Asia and Singapore are sleep deprived. But you can find many ways to get more rest through the day and week.

After lunch, you can sit quietly and meditate for five to 15 minutes before you start working again. Or in the evenings after meals, you can take a quiet walk to channel out your work stress.

During the weekends, a short nap can help you quickly recharge before you attend to personal matters such as social gatherings or chores.

Rest can come in many forms, including down-time away from your phone and electronics.

The ultimate goal is to quieten your mind and body to allow it to focus on rest and healing itself. By regularly attuning your body to rest, you can relax better and boost your mood and energy.

Go out into nature

Greenery and sounds of water flowing are soothing ways to relax.

And in Singapore, we are fortunate to be surrounded by a bounty of park life and lush greenery.

To elevate your mood and manage your stress levels, take the time out to do some exercise or a walk around the park.

According to reports, a 10-minute walk and exposure to greenery can have mood-boosting effects on our bodies.

However, if you are unable to do so, you can always play some nature sounds available online and relax your mind for a while at work and make plans to go for a nature walk during the weekends or evenings. 


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