
Questions every HR practitioner should ask during exit interviews

Employee turnover is an inevitable and healthy part of work-life.

With the in- and outflow of employees, companies can acquire benefits such as diversity, new ideas, grow its skillsets, and expand to achieve its business goals.

If the company is suddenly facing an irregular stream of high turnover, one way to dig deep into the issues is through exit interviews. Let’s find out what are the key questions HR practitioners can ask before the employees say their final goodbye.

Why did you start exploring for a new job?

A person can start looking for a new job due to common reasons such as career advancements, higher pay, or even work flexibility. But, in some cases, it could be due to culture, team, or leadership.

By understanding the need to work elsewhere, HR can understand the inner workings of the staff’s team and have a clearer picture if the resignation was a push or pull factor.

How was your relationship with your team leader and mates?

As the saying goes, “you leave the people, not the job”. The relationship between an employee and his team can influence significantly his decision to stay or go.

HR can find out if there was any unresolved misunderstandings or unfair treatment and allow the person leaving to air out the grievances to minimise negative office culture.

It is essential to understand the working relationship and see if better leadership or communication training is required.

Did you feel appreciated and that your work was valued?

Being recognised is one of the key ways to keep employees motivated to work harder, feel that their efforts are contributing to the company and create a positive working environment.

But in the flurry of work, assignments, goals, and targets – saying “thank you” can often be overlooked, which can lead to employees feeling underappreciated.

By highlighting this during the exit interview, HR can look into improving how managers engage employees or look at how appraisals can incorporate more gratitude.

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