
How to mentally prepare yourself for a job hunt

Job hunting is not an easy process. The waiting, sending off resumes, interviews, and the lack of call-backs – it is not surprising that the process can sometimes take a toll on our self-esteem and mental health.

To avoid feeling demotivated during this time, here are some ways to help you keep positive during the different stages of the job search process.

Application stage


With the many job portals out there, finding a job you like and sending out your resume is easy.

In the beginning, you may feel excited and may even have high expectations of getting a call-back for an interview soon.

Understandably, you feel hopeful with the many job opportunities available, but it is best to manage your expectations.

During the recruitment process, the job role will be opened for a certain date. Then the resumes will be collected and reviewed before the shortlisted candidates are called back for an interview.

This process may take a few weeks. Therefore it is not unusual not to hear back from the company so soon.

If you are not working at the moment, you can fill your time by taking up some courses or learning a new skill. By having a routine, you will not be waiting expectedly for calls and feel the time drag.

Shortlisted stage


Congratulations – you have been shortlisted for an interview, but the recruiter is taking a long time to set up a meeting or the hiring person is travelling so the date cannot be confirmed.

At this stage, you might feel the urgency to meet up with the interviewer and end up feeling restless.

Also, a few people might have been selected for interviews, so it is best to be patient. With the waiting time, you can use it to research and better prepare yourself for the role.

Negotiation stage


Now you have received confirmation that the company wants to take you on, the time has come to negotiate the pay package. Often, the company may offer a package lower than your expectation and you might feel undervalued.

But it is important to note, the salary offered is based on the company’s budget, and is not always an accurate indication of your worth.

Therefore, you should not allow yourself to feel disappointed or take up a role you are not fully satisfied with.

It is advisable to set up a salary range you are willing to take based on your experiences and market rate.

However, if you feel the new job can give you valuable, niche skills and experience, you can consider taking on the role despite a lower salary.

Finding a new job will test and stretch your emotional and mental state, but this is an excellent way to improve and manage your stress levels and find new ways to cope in new and challenging situations.




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