
Adaptability: Why this one skill is a top pick for recruiters

Staying employed these days is starting to look like a challenging feat as Artificial Intelligence has entered the workplace, employees are retiring later, and emerging new skills are pushing people to take on new degrees to stay on top of their game.

But despite all these new technical capabilities and trends, recruiters are still looking out for a soft skill that they like to find in a candidate during the hiring process. 

Let’s find out why adaptability is such a desirable trait among top recruiters today, according to Forbes. 

See opportunities in changes

Career consultancy firm, Indeed, shares that adaptability is a skill set that encompasses a person’s ability to adjust to changes in their environment.

But more than just an attitude, being adaptable is a sign of high Emotional Intelligence (EQ). 

If a meeting has been changed to an earlier time slot, do you feel anxious? Or, if your idea gets prioritised lower or is rejected, do you see it as a sign of bad performance?

For people with high adaptability skills, they can see opportunities in negative situations. If the meeting has pushed earlier and you are presenting, this can be a chance for you to perform under pressure. If your idea got rejected, this could be a way to point you in the right direction. 

Turn learning into a top habit

Learning does not stop once you get your degree; it is a constant cycle of acquiring new knowledge as we go on in life. 

As technology becomes obsolete with time, so will our skill sets if we do not upgrade to avoid having a knowledge deficit. 

By being adaptable, continuous learning can benefit not only your employability but also your physical and mental wellness.

Having a growth mindset can get out of your comfort zone to take on classes that can help grow holistically and reach a new network of people who can inspire new ideas.

Increasing your adaptability skill can be done by being more aware of your thoughts and reactions, and adopt habits to change your mindset. 

The more you practise breaking out of your usual responses in tough situations, you can learn to reprogramme your mind.

With these new experiences, you can increase your desirability to recruiters by displaying a persistent learning attitude and being agile to changes. 

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